How To Improve Your Kitchen Ventilation

It’s common to worry about air pollution when walking down a busy street or passing construction, but what about the air quality in your home? While delightful scents wafting from the stovetop don’t exactly scream danger, there are byproducts of cooking that linger in the kitchen even after the elements are turned off and the dishes are done.

The best way to combat unwanted odors and prevent air pollution is to improve kitchen ventilation. It can be as simple as opening a window next time you sauté or turning on a fan in a nearby room. However, for a more permanent solution to your problem, here are three tips to drastically improve your indoor air quality:


1. Upgrade your ventilation system.

A ventilation system is the best way to keep your kitchen air clean; plain and simple. Any type of ventilation hood will filter out smoke by c

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